Gallery 83
Personal project
Eliza Mamardashvili:
Far-Far Away. Family Chronicles.
"Simply walking straight ahead cross-country was out of the question on account of the heather, which was woody andknee-deep, so that I had no choice but to keep to the crooked sandy tracks and to make mental notes of even the least significant features, even the slightest shift inperspective. Iwalked back and forth long stretches ofroad." The Rings of Saturn. W.G. Sebald

It all started with the digitization of the family video. The 70-minute trip, thechanging shapes and the variety of zoom in the Panasonic NV-A3 camera. And, rarely, details — historical and symbolic — appeared. That was Georgia, acountry I have never been to.

I was immersed in the past, and these stories guided me by building a pattern, drawing a landscape, making it come alive. Full of thoughts about home, I watched the memories, recorded them, trying to feel and understand the time, the place, the event...something elusive. Torethink. To assemble. How do we capture this grain in a massive ow of archival information?

We are driven by internal motives. We seek the base for further work — for something to push o and aspire to the flow of the incorporeal. To reveal the consequences of human life. Forgotten. Balancing between time. Something we can feel while getting o the dense, rational surface. A multi-layered road, repeated over and over again, served as the backbone. The same path passed so many times to find the home. Long, viscous, disappearing past has turned out to be a physical and mental return to the world of random interference and collision.

The exhibition comprises 5 paintings, a video-art work (2 minutes) and series of graphics created artist's family.

Eliza Mamardashvili «Far-Far Away. Family Chronicles».
Gallery 83/Kyiv/ 03.07.2020-19.07/2020

Temporary closed
Tarasivska str., 3A
+380 63 244 8682
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