Gallery 83
June 4-11
Natalya Zvonkova
Exotic Voyage
Exotic Voyage
We decided to start off our summer with naive-surrealism exhibit by Natalia Zvonkova, her project "Exotic Voyage" will be presented on the 4th of June.

The line between academically trained and self made artists becomes very unclear when it comes to modern art, thus having professional education becomes less important. When looking at naive art form - the raw and emotional want to create comes first allowing more and more artists to be presented on world renown exhibitions.

Our lives full of activities, experiences, political unrest, and the constant act of looking for answers to the most difficult questions allows us to expect the same to be reflected in the art of the artists. We are looking for rational meaning in places where we should be looking for emotions, where we should just contemplate and empathize. Most often the simpler things hold the most meaning, much like with the works of Natalia Zvonkova.
"Our planet is so big, and it is seemingly impossible to see all of it."
The lack of academic training, is compensated by her seemingly boundless imagination and the courage to experiment regardless of the critiques coming from demanding viewers. Her works are deeply emotional and capture the ephemeral essence of dreams. One way to describe it is as a breath of fresh air, without any politics or mundane greyness. The strength of her works is that at first it may seem that they are easy to read, yet they retain that little bit of mystery that creates the duality of the works. The artist proposes a very sense-driven worldview that does not require a deep analysis or critique that often denies us the joys of life!

"For the past few years, I've had the privilege to travel the world. Visiting places such as Asia, Africa, Europe and of course Ukraine left an everlasting impression on me. These experiences were so bright, that I often cannot quiet tell whether it was a real place or a dream.

Africa, the place where there are more animals than people. It's a home to majestic giraffes that can appear from just around the corner, giant elephants that stand guard to protect their young and the smallest antelope in the world – dik-dik. Above all, Africa is a home to its people that wear bright clothing and generously welcome all tourists to share their story and offer their friendship. Orange sunrises, days spent looking for animals that are hiding from the blaring sun, followed by sleepless nights accompanied by screams of wild creatures.
Asia with its humid jungles, enormous leaves, exotic fruits and birds. Proud peacock folded its tail, revealing an array of plants and flowers I do not need to know the name of. This place makes it easy to believe, that if Adam and Eve were sent here for exile it would take them a moment to realize they are no longer in heaven.

The Carpathians are unforgettable mountains located in western Ukraine. Here, roosters wake you up on a foggy morning, but just in an hour the sun comes up and the morning dew is shining on the green grass reminding me of diamonds buried among modest field flowers. A cow and a calf lazily spend their day in the fields. The young girl is riding her horse.

Our planet is so big, and it is seemingly impossible to see all of it. When Sri Lanka or Kenya are ravaged by terrorist attack, I become so worried for my newfound friends and so relieved when I find out that they are safe. We often say "what a small world" yet it's so big! This paradox is the inspiration for my work. Our world is so wonderful but as fragile as a dream. "
ср-нд 12:00- 18:00
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